Saturday, October 5, 2013

My Hemorrhoid History

I've been asked by a few people for some additional details on my history, so here is some background.

At the time of my surgery, I was 42 years old.  I was pretty active, running/biking regularly and active around the house with kids, work, etc.  I weigh approximately 165 - 170 pounds, so by all accounts pretty healthy.  I am also a healthy eater,  occasional drinker, and don't smoke.

I had been dealing with bleeding hemorrhoids for a number of years.  Looking back I should have sought treatment much earlier than I did, really dumb on my part.  Lesson #1, when you are bleeding out of your butt, go to the Doctor immediately!!!

When I went to see my doctor he tried a few other treatments including Sclerotherapy, where a substance (phenol mixed with olive oil) is injected into the internal hemorrhoids causing them to shrink. The procedure takes about 5 minutes and is painless, but a few tries at this resulted in no relief.  Finally, we decided the only option was surgery.

When I went in for my pre-surgery testing it was determined that I had anemia.  I had bled so much from going to the bathroom!  My numbers were so low that my Doctor was surprised I could still walk around.  Meanwhile, while I was tired on occasion, I just figured it was the result of a busy lifestyle of work/kids/exercise, etc.  So I had to run through a number of sessions of Iron IV therapy until my numbers stabilized, putting off the surgery for a little while longer.  So lesson #2, bleeding hemorrhoids are more than just an inconvenience, they can actually cause other issues.    So get them checked out as soon as possible.

Once my numbers returned to normal I was cleared for surgery.


Someone also asked about my post-surgery diet.  I describe my diet for the week or so after surgery in the other postings here .  After the recovery, I returned pretty quickly to my regular diet, which, as I mentioned was pretty healthy already.  But I would say for the next month or so at least, I kept up on the use of Metamucil once a day; I just mixed in with some water in the morning.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

One Year Later - Sept 10, 2013

Sept 10 2013

It's been over 1 year since my surgery and I thought I'd provide an update.

I've had absolutely no issues since recovering last year.  I feel great and I am so glad that I did the surgery.  It was completely life changing for the better.

Since last year, I've competed in 2 triathlons, did a 100K charity bike ride, ran in a 10 miler, and am doing a half-marathon in November.  There is no way I could have done any of this without the surgery.

I've had no pain, no issues, and have made a full recovery.

I've heard people say that this is the worse kind of surgery to have, and I believe it.  But my experience, having come through it is very positive.

I hope anyone that is having this surgery will read this and feel a little better about the prospects post-surgery.   I wish you a quick and speedy recovery!!

Please post your story in the comments so that others may also learn from your experience.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Tuesday July 16

It has been 10 days since my Hemorrhoidectomy.  Since my last post, I have been recovering nicely with minimal pain or discomfort.  Following the instructions outlined upon discharge has really helped. I have been consistent with the fiber drinks, good diet, sitz baths and Iburprofen schedule (in the last day or so I have been able to ease up on the Ibuprofen).    I have not needed the percocet or valium in a number of days.

My BMs have been consistent (~every day) and although initially there was some pain - really more quick bursts of pain that quickly go by - the pain has reduced significantly.  Sitz baths or showers post-BM have really helped with any pain.

I have been able to return to my normal schedule for the most part. I've been able to drive, do some light work around the house, and work (from home).  Overall I would say the experience was no where near as bad as I had read about.

In fact, I would say I am glad to have had the surgery vs. waiting any longer.  Even though I have not fully healed yet, there is a world of difference post-op in my experiences in the bathroom.  To look down and not see a bowl full of blood - in fact my last few BMs have only had very minimal spotting on the toilet paper - is worth the pain.  I can really see a whole new world ahead of me where I don't have to worry about 'cleaning up' after, staining pants, furniture, etc., no pain, etc.

I hope this Hemorrhoidectomy recovery story has helped someone.  At this point I believe that the worst is behind me and I am sure the next few days/weeks will just be a matter of completing the healing.

I won't post again unless something significant comes up.

Good luck with your Hemorrhoidectomy and your recovery.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Day 6  AM

Had an early (4 AM) BM that was typically of what I usually have had pre-op.  This was the worse pain so far, bursts of pain on a ~6-7 scale, but passed by quickly.  The relief upon actually producing was second to none.  Afterward, I took a nice long soak in hot water, an repacked my gauze.  It was time for my Ibuprofen dose, so I took that, but didn't need any Percocet nor Valium.  Went back to sleep and have been back to normal recovery this morning so far (10:30 AM now).

I am feeling pretty good and will work from home today in bed.  Besides the short episode on the toilet, things are definitely manageable.  Despite the pain, I am happier that I was able to produce a BM this morning vs. feeling constipated and anticipating having to pass that at some later date.  Better to have some pain now vs. a lot more pain later.

I am able to help get the kids ready in the morning, feed them breakfast, get them dressed, feed the dogs, etc. and see them off before coming into bed.  Hanging in there!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Day 5 Evening

I had a more 'real' BM tonight that registered up about a 6 on the pain scale.  It knocked be back a bit, but after a good soak I started feeling a bit better.  I was on schedule for my Ibuprofen so I took that soon after.  Within about 1 hour after that I took a Percocet and a Valium and felt fine for the rest of the night.  This was by far my worst pain so far but quickly passed.  To date, nothing truly scary in my experience that matches anything I've read about in the other stories.
Day 5

Today is a repeat of the past days.  Manageable pain (about a 2), repeated sitz baths, one Percocet early (4:45 AM) this morning, and otherwise simply Ibuprofen.  No BM yet today (it is ~1:30 but all else is good).

I hope this is helpful to someone out there who had read the nightmare stories I've read and came away scared to death.  

So far, although not a walk in the park, this has not been a terrible experience and I am feeling very positive about the next few weeks when I can start to feel better than normal (after all these years with bleeding, painful hemorrhoids).  

I will continue to post over the next few days/weeks with updates as things progress.  If you are reading this, I hope your recovery goes well!
Day 4.

No real change today.  Continuing the pain medication, sleep, meditation, and sitz bathing.  Taking it easy but able to go up/down stairs and be present for some parts of the day like dinner/bedtime.

Had a larger BM today but still not back to a 'standard'.  Whereas the previous ones where nuggets this was more like one small log - so seemingly that is a good progression.  BMs are painful for sure, but by taking it easy, not pushing, and using a measured cycle, it is not so bad.  I would give this a 4 on the pain scale.    Sitz baths immediately after really help.

One Percocet today only so again the pain is very manageable.